Utah Eldercare Planning CouncilUtah Eldercare Planning Council
Utah Local Care Planning Council

You've come to the right place if you are looking for solutions to the challenges that face your aging loved ones. If you are in a crisis or if you are simply looking for an answer to a question, we can help.

Utah Elder Planning Council

The members of our council represent a wealth of information, knowledge and advice to help you with eldercare issues or generally with any issues that aging seniors face. We have "been there and done that" many times, not only with our own loved ones but on countless occasions with members of our community. We assist individuals in the community who can't seem to find what they are looking for even after numerous phone calls and exhaustive internet searches. Through our experience we have developed a well-deserved motto; which is "Difficult Problems – Clear Solutions."

Perhaps you are looking for sources of funds to help you pay for unforeseen expenses, or for help with veterans benefits, or understanding services provided by Medicare and Medicaid. Maybe you need someone to assist you in the home or provide maintenance or yard care or maybe you need advice on finding a long term care community for you or a loved one. Maybe you need legal work, or financial planning or home care services or tax advice or advice on dealing with other members of the family in a caregiving situation. We can provide all of that and much more.

You can either attend one of our many educational workshops in the community or you can call us or email us for free advice or assistance. We operate as a one-stop shopping service for assisting the elderly of Utah. We want to help you in any way we can. Please feel free to contact us.

Monthly Planning for Eldercare Article

Three Reasons Seniors are Failing to Cope in Their Final Years

February 12, 2021

Inadequate Income
If a senior or a senior couple is relying on investments and savings such as Social Security or pensions to augment income, and for various reasons those retirement accounts did not produce the anticipated results, many seniors find themselves in a bind in their later years where they are unable seek employment to make up the difference.

Income might also not be keeping pace due to an unwanted accumulation of debt, particularly credit card debt. For whatever reason, banks have been particularly liberal about issuing credit cards to older individuals who may not have the capacity to service debt. The debt may have been necessary because of a major home repair, or unforeseen high medical bills, or because of a bad investment due to unreasonable expectations, or exploitation from those who prey on the poor decision-making of seniors. Servicing debt is a major drawdown on income.

Another major factor for inadequate funds could be that income flow from year-to-year is not keeping pace with inflation. This is particularly true for seniors on Social Security or fixed pensions who must pay for the high cost of medical care. The cost of seniors' medical care, due to aging, increases faster than yearly increases in Social Security. Also, in some areas, the cost of maintaining a household due to higher utility bills, higher taxes and higher maintenance costs rises faster than the cost-of-living adjustments in Social Security income. The latest yearly increase in social security income was a mere 1.3%.

Continue Reading: Three Reasons Seniors are Failing to Cope in Their Final Years

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Director of the Council

    Bruce LybbertBruce Lybbert

    CLRP, Council Director

    Phone: (877) 972-2220



Council Members

    Tom DayThomas E. Day

    NCPC Director
    Life Resource Planner

    Phone: (800) 989-8137


    Natalie Moyle MA, LCMCNatalie Moyle MA, LCMC

    Counselor and Care Manager

    Phone: (801) 274-9100


    Home Option Personal CareHome Option Personal Care

    Non-medcial Home care

    Phone: (801) 274-9100


    NameBrett Cragun


    Phone: (801) 513-2060


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